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Department on Disability Services

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Waiver Amendment Information

Update: Please go to for notice of the proposed IDD Waiver Amendment scheduled to go into effect November 1, 2020

Below are links to the current Home and Community Based Waiver for People with Intellectual Disabilities as well as proposed amendments and a transition plan.  DDS published public notice and held several community events to seek public input.  A summary of public comments received and responses are linked below.

For more information on the HCBS Settings Rule: 

Additionally, in the Spring 2015 issue of the Riot, self-advocacy leaders explain what the rule means for people with disabilities in plain language. Read it here:

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated their Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) website.  If you click the “Statewide Transition Plans” tab, you will see that CMS has added information about their efforts to keep stakeholders apprised of the status of HCBS Statewide Transition Plans (STPs).  CMS has also created a “Statewide Transition Plans” page where you will find a chart that has links to the letters that have been sent to states asking for additional information.  CMS will continue to provide STP status updates and post communication with states regarding STPs.

The national HCBS Advocacy Coalition worked together to create this new 3-part toolkit that provides advocates with detailed information about the new rule and action steps to fully participate in its implementation. The toolkit contains three documents that can all be found at or by clicking on each resource below:

  1. HCBS Settings Rule – What You Should Know
  2. HCBS Settings Rule – Settings Presumed to be Institution & the Heightened Scrutiny Process
  3. HCBS Settings Rules – How to Advocate for Truly Integrated Community Settings (full and abridged)

HCBS Settings Rule Compliance policy

Updated Human Care Agreement 03/17