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Department on Disability Services

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Department on Disability Services

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PRC Incident Performance Indicator

As one of the Provider Report Card Performance Indicators, Incidents provide cumulative performance data to providers and identify opportunities and challenges to providing high quality services to people with disabilities in the District.

Incident Dates

To count the number of SRIs and RIs, DDA pulls data based on the date the incident was reviewed and accepted into MCIS by the Immediate Response Committee (IRC). The IRC meets at 9am each business day and reviews all incidents that have been entered into the system since the last business day. It is possible for the date the incident occurred and the date the IRC accepts the incident to be different. For example, for the Second Quarter of FY13, incidents reported on the Provider Report Card were those accepted by the IRC between January 1, 2013 and March 31, 2013.

Reporting Incidents On-Time

An incident is considered reported on-time if reported by the next business day prior to 5pm.

Responsible Provider

When an incident report is made, a responsible provider is selected. Sometimes, the provider reporting the incident is the responsible provider, but that is not always the case. The best example of this is ER visits. If a person goes to the ER during the day and the day program staff is supporting them in the ER, but then is relieved by the residential program staff, the residential program is the responsible provider. Your organization’s Provider Report Card only reports the number of incidents for which your organization was the responsible provider.