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Department on Disability Services

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Quality Improvement Committee (QIC)

The Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) meets monthly (first Tuesday of each month) with stakeholders to review and discuss reports, data, and issues as they relate to community and overall systemic changes designed to ensure the provision of innovative and high-quality services for people with disabilities.  The committee uses data collected from various internal and external sources (including National Core Indicators) to identify key areas for improvement, emerging trends, and quality initiatives that promote a person-centered philosophy. The QIC shares DDS monitoring report data on departmental functions including Incident Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, Health Care Review, and Provider Certification Reviews.  In addition to monitoring reports, the committee also reviews National Core Indicator data on specific areas of interest to the committee and the community as it relates to the District and on a national scale. 

Quality Improvement Committee Report Schedule 2019 - 2020

Minutes and related attachments for meetings can be found using the links below. Minutes from previous years can be found using the Archived Meetings link.

Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) Archived Meetings