Credit scores range from 300 to 850. The higher your score, the greater your chances of being approved. A credit score below 580 is typically considered bad or poor, and renting or obtaining a mortgage may be difficult. There are exceptions, especially if you have a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), are applying for subsidized housing, or the landlord is flexible and will consider your explanation for bad credit scores.
Knowing your credit scores and how to increase them is important. First, you must know what credit scores are considered excellent, very good, good, fair, and bad. The table below lists credit scores with grades:
Credit Grades | Credit Scores |
Excellent | 800 to 850 |
Very Good | 740 to 799 |
Good | 670 to 739 |
Fair | 580 to 669 |
Bad (Poor) | 300 to 579 |
Credit scores and grades courtesy of MyFico.Com
Typically, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion charge for credit scores. The Greater Washington Urban League (GWUL), a Community-Based Organization (CBOs), does not charge its housing counseling clients for Tri-Merged Credit Reports (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) that come with credit scores. For GWUL's contact information, see the Resource Section, Step 3.