The DDS Definitions Appendix defines the terms and acronyms relevant to the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) service delivery system.
- F -
An inquiry undertaken to ascertain the relevant circumstances surrounding a complaint and to provide the basis for a written report that contains appropriate recommendations on the matter being examined and reasons for the recommendations. Fact-finding procedures may include:
- Obtaining documentary evidence,
- Personal interviews,
- Group meetings, or any combination of the above.
People who perform this function shall have:
- Experience as a grievance examiner, arbitrator, administrative judge, or investigator; or
- Satisfactory completion of a course for grievance examiners, arbitrators, or investigators, and, [sic]
Fade Plan
Plan for the reduction or titration of restrictive supports such as psychotropic medications and behavioral staffing. The goal of such a plan is to reduce the restrictive supports over time until they are no longer required.
Fair Hearing
If an individual, or their authorized representative, is dissatisfied with the ISP, he shall have an opportunity to appeal the DDA decision, or approval of the ISP, in an administrative hearing conducted by a hearing officer. The individual shall have the opportunity to present supporting evidence, and to call and examine witnesses. The hearing officer will issue a decision either upholding or reversing the agency's decision in part or in whole.
Parents, foster parents, spouses, siblings, and others who perform the roles and functions of family members in the life of an individual, including persons in a relationship of mutual support with an individual that is exclusive and expected to endure over time. Family should be encouraged to participate in the development of the ISP unless the individual knowingly objects.
Functional Analysis Screening Tool used by clinicians to develop comprehensive behavioral support plans.
Fatality Review Committee (FRC)
Pursuant to the District of Columbia Mayor’s Order 2009-225, issued on December 22, 2009, the FRC, co-chaired by the Deputy Director for DDA and the Chief Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia, is charged with examining events and circumstances surrounding the deaths of District residents over the age of 18 years with an intellectual disability and/or a qualifying developmental disability in order to: gather and analyze empirical evidence about fatalities in this population; safeguard and improve the health, safety and welfare of District residents over the age of 18 years with an intellectual disability and/or a qualifying developmental disability.
The FRC identifies the causes and circumstances contributing to serious incidents or deaths of individuals served by DDA living in group homes, supported living settings, Host homes, nursing homes, and any other health/behavioral health care locations serving individuals. The FRC reviews cases involving persons served by DDA who live in natural homes or independently if the individual also receives DDA Home and Community-Based Services and supports. The FRC:i. Develops and monitors plans for the implementation of the [sic].
Fire Escape Plan
A plan/protocol designed for emergency evacuation; to get out safely.
Fire Prevention
Precautions designed to avoid an outbreak of fire, reduce the potential for fire to spread and safeguard persons and property in the event of a fire.
Follow-Along Plan
A Follow-Along Plan (FAP) is a shortened version of the ISP. The Follow-Along Plan is utilized for individuals who live at home with their family or in their own homes who receive minimal supports such as day supports and respite funded by local dollars only, or service coordination only. The FAP may not be used for an Evans class member.
Full-Time Direct Support Professional
Provider employees who are scheduled 3540 hours per week and whose primary job responsibility is to conduct the individual programming for those receiving day, residential, and/or family support services.
Functional Assessment
A comprehensive and individualized process for:
- Identifying the purpose of problem behaviors
- Determining the behavioral consequences that maintain problem behaviors
- Implementing a plan to modify the problem behaviors and
- Identifying adaptive behaviors and alternative skills to replace maladaptive behaviors. Functional assessments are used to help build respectful support plans for persons with challenging behavior and are developed with input from those who know the individual best.
Functional Capacity
Refers to the capability of performing tasks and activities that people find necessary or desirable in their lives.