The Psychologist Affidavit is used to assist individuals with selecting or obtaining an appropriate substitute decision-maker with DDA services who have been assessed to lack the capacity to make or effectively communicate medical decisions for themselves due to psychological issues.
Cross-References: Substitute-Decision Making for Emergency Care and Urgent Care Medical Needs Policy, Individual Support Plan Policy.
I have known ________ since _______. I have provided services to him/her since ______. In that regard, I have seen _________ on numerous
occasions, with the most recent psychological assessment completed on ________. I have also reviewed _________’s records and discussed him/her with other interdisciplinary team members. Based on my observations, my assessment, my review of the record and my discussion with other staff, it is my opinion that his/her cognitive functioning falls within the _________ range of mental retardation and adaptive functioning falls within the _________ range of mental retardation.
Six attachments (total)
- Substitute Decision-Making for Non-Emergency Needs Procedure
- Guardianship Routing and Approval Form
- Medical Affidavit
- Psychologist Affidavit
- Service Coordination Affidavit
- Substitute Consent for Health Care Decisions Form