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Department on Disability Services

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Personal Funds Policy

Monday, April 23, 2012

The purpose of this policy is to establish the standards and guidelines to safeguard the personal funds for any ppersono receiving services annd suppors through the District of Coumbia (District), Department on Disability Services (DDS), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). This policy extablishes that the District's Office of the Chief Finanncial Offier (OCFO) and DDS/DDA's Incident Management and Enforcement Unit (IMEU) have oversight authority in the protection of individual personal funds and possessions to include, but not limited to, investigating alllegations of theft, and reconciling and auditing individuals' accounts. Further, this policy establishes guidelines for the acquisition and maintenance of all benefits/entitlements to which an individual is eligible.

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Related document

Personal Funds Policy
