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Fee Schedule for Rehabilitation Services

Monday, February 6, 2023


  1. Each service provider who is subject to District of Columbia or other state licensure or certification requirements shall provide evidence of a valid license or certification before the Rehabilitation Services Administration may authorize the provider to render services to its clients. The provider shall maintain licensure or certification during each period of rendering the authorized services. Providers selected must be authorized prior to rendering services as a District vendor pursuant to the District of Columbia Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010 (D.C. Law 18-371, effective April 8, 2011, and codified at D.C. Official Code § 2-301 et seq.).


  1. Each college or university shall be accredited by an appropriate District, state, or national accrediting organization before the Rehabilitation Services Administration may authorize a client to attend that institution or authorize payment to that institution.
  2. A private career or proprietary school or other institution subject to regulation shall provide evidence of a valid license, certificate of approval or certification issued by the appropriate licensing or accreditation authority authorizing the institution to provide the specific courses of instruction or services the individual is seeking before the Rehabilitation Services Administration may authorize an individual to attend that institution or authorize payment to that institution.
  3. For the following vocational rehabilitation services, the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall reimburse the provider for such services and pay incentives based on the following tables of rates.
      1. For Benefits Planning and Job Placement, the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall reimburse the provider as follows:


Benefits Planning


Updated Rate/Unit

Benefits Planning Report



Benefit Employment Management Report



Student Earned Income Exclusion request submission and approval



Blind Work Expense request form submission and approval



Impairment-Related Work Expense request form submission and approval



Plan For Achieving Self Support request form submission



Plan For Achieving Self Support request form approval



Expedited Reinstatement request submission



Benefits Summary and Analysis Report for Life Changing Events







Job Placement


Updated Rate/Unit

Intake and Assessment



Intake and Summary Assessment Report



Person-Centered Employment Plan



Job Development



Job Development Progress Report






Placement Information Report



Job Stabilization Progress Report



Job Stabilization Closure Report



For purposes of payment for the Job Development Progress Report in the table above for Job Placement services, the provider shall be paid five hundred seven dollars and fifty cents ($507.50) per month for three (3) months, unless the person is placed in a job in less than three (3) months. However, the provider shall not receive more than a total of one thousand five hundred twenty-two dollars and fifty cents ($1,522.50) for Job Development Progress Reports. If the person is placed in a job in less than three (3) months, then the provider shall be paid the difference between one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,522.50) and the amount the provider has already received for providing these services to the person.


      1. For Supported Employment, the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall reimburse the provider as follows:


Supported Employment


Updated Rate/Unit

Intake and Assessment



Intake and Summary Assessment Report



Person-Centered Employment Plan



Job Development



Job Development Progress Report




Job Development Progress Report Using Customized Employment Strategy






Initial Placement Report




        1. For purposes of payment for the Job Development Progress Report in the table above for Supported Employment Services, the provider shall be paid six hundred nine dollars ($609.00) per month for three (3) months, unless the person is placed in a job in less than three (3) months. However, the provider shall not receive more than a total of one thousand eight hundred twenty-seven dollars ($1,827.00) for Job Development Progress Reports. If the person is placed in a job in less than three (3) months, then the provider shall be paid the difference between one thousand eight hundred twenty-seven dollars ($1,827.00) and the amount the provider has already received for providing these services to the person.


        1. For purposes of payment for the Job Development Progress Report Using Customized Employment Strategy in the table above for Supported Employment Services, the provider shall be paid one thousand one hundred sixteen dollars and fifty cents ($1,116.50) per month for three (3) months, unless the person is placed in a job in less than three (3) months. However, the provider shall not receive more than a total of three thousand three hundred forty-nine dollars and fifty cents ($3,349.50) for Job Development Progress Reports Using Customized Employment Strategy. If the person is placed in a job in less than three (3) months, then the provider shall be paid the difference between three thousand three hundred forty-nine dollars and fifty cents ($3,349.50) and the amount the provider has already received for providing these services to the person.


      1. For additional vocational rehabilitation services, the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall reimburse the provider and pay incentives as follows:


Additional Vocational Rehabilitation Services


Updated Rate/Unit

Discovery Assessment



Positive Personal Profile



Customized Employment

$1,500 per verified placement

$1,522.50 per verified placement

Job Coaching*



Support Service Provider



Trial Work



Job Readiness Training, formerly known as Work Adjustment Training*



Job Readiness 1: Soft Skills Training Development



Job Readiness 2: Transitional Work Experience




*These rates were increased by 1.5% and rounded to the nearest whole dollar.






The Rehabilitation Services Administration shall pay the provider two percent (2%) of the annual salary of the person with a disability who is successfully

closed in employment with employer-paid health benefits and whose salary is at or above the District of Columbia Living Wage.

The Rehabilitation Services Administration shall pay the provider two percent (2%) of the annual salary of the person with a disability who is successfully closed in employment and who earns at least fifty-two percent (52%) of the average annual salary in the District of Columbia, as defined by the Bureau of Labor Occupational Employment Statistics, with employer-paid health benefits.

The Rehabilitation Services Administration shall pay the provider up to five thousand seventy-five dollars ($5,075.00) per person for whom the Rehabilitation Services Administration receives Administrative, Counseling and Placement costs reimbursement if:

  1. the person receives Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits;
  2. the person is placed in employment at the Substantial Gainful Activity (“SGA”) earnings level;
  3. the provider provides proof of the employment to the Rehabilitation Services Administration;
  4. the person remains employed at the SGA earnings level; and
  5. the Rehabilitation Services Administration receives reimbursement.



  1. The rates listed in the tables set forth above are for those services authorized after October 1, 2022.


  1. Rates for services not listed in the tables set forth above in 4(a)-(c) shall be negotiated by the Rehabilitation Services Administration in conjunction with its Office of Contracting and Procurement representative.



Revised as of 10/01/2022


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