Thursday, August 1, 2013
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Behavior Support Plan Template is used to establish the plan to provide behavior support to people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in the District of Columbia. Behavior support is a service provided in situations where a person with disabilities is determined to have patterns of behavior which are likely to seriously limit or deny access to ordinary community experiences and activities or which threaten the physical safety of the person or others around them.
The BSP template provides space to address the following topics:
- Identification
- Purpose
- Relevant History
- Diagnostic Info
- Medication Treatment
- Target Behaviors
- Functional Assessment
- Behavioral Goals
- Proactive Strategies
- Goals for Behaviors Targeted for Increase
- Staff Responses and Crisis Intervention
- Staffing Supports
- Restrictive Components &/ or Psychotropic Medication
- Restrictive Components & Psychotropic Medication Fade Plan
- Data Collection and Monitoring
- Staff Training