Thursday, August 12, 2010
RSA Manual
Learning Work Experience Agreement Form from DC's DDS
It is the responsibility of DDS to provide direct, on-the-job supervision of the volunteer/student which includes the following:
- Orienting the volunteer/student to DDS’ structure and operations.
- Orienting the volunteer/student to DDS’ policies and procedures regarding appropriate dress, office hours, and applicable leave policies.
- Introducing the volunteer/student to the appropriate professional and clerical staff.
- Providing the volunteer/student with adequate resources necessary to accomplish job objectives.
- Affording the volunteer/student the opportunity to identify with the supervisor as a professional staff person by jointly participating in office interviews, meetings, conferences, projects, and other personnel and management functions.
- Assigning and supervising the completion of tasks and responsibilities that are consistent with the volunteer/student’s role in the company.
- Consulting the faculty coordinator (if applicable) in the event that the supervisor becomes aware of personal, communication or other problems that are disrupting the volunteer/student’s learning and performance.
- Providing regularly scheduled supervisory conferences with the volunteer/student.
- Participating in joint and individual conferences with the volunteer/student and faculty coordinator regarding the student intern's performance (if applicable).
- Submitting an evaluation on the volunteer/student’s job performance.