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Department on Disability Services

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Information For Service Providers

DDA relies on a provider network to deliver high quality, person-centered, professional, reliable and innovative services and supports to the over 2,000 residents of the District of Columbia who depend on those services to lead valued, inclusive lives in our communities. All DDA providers are either licensed by a professional board, such as physical therapists, speech and language therapists, and psychologists, or certified by DDA as a qualified provider under the DDA Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program, and/or licensed by the Department of Health, Health Regulatory and Licensing Administration.

Provider Resource Management Unit

All providers who wish to deliver services through the DDA HCBS waiver program or the ICF/IDD program must be prior approved through DDA. DDA’s Provider Resource Management Unit works collaboratively with providers to ensure each applicant meets the standards set forth, and assesses gaps in the service delivery system to focus provider development activities. This unit is also where DDA technical assistance is coordinated through the assigned Resource Specialist.

Medicaid Waiver Unit

The Medicaid Waiver Unit processes all Service Authorizations for waiver services, sets rates for residential services, conducts utilizations reviews, assists with billing questions and concerns. This unit also provides technical assistance for providers in understanding the Waiver Service Descriptions and associated rules.

Benefits Unit

The Benefits Unit is also part of the Medicaid Waiver Unit and is responsible for ensuring that people receive their statutory entitlements (i.e. Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.). The Benefits Unit completes the initial application for benefits and the required forms for recertification of benefits. Additionally the Benefits Unit maintains benefit records; and conducts annual financial reviews to ensure providers are in compliance with the DDS/DDA Personal Funds policy.

Quality Management Division

The Quality Management Division works extensively with the provider community to support quality outcomes and protect the individuals we serve from harm. Each provider agency will work closely with the Incident Management and Enforcement Unit on the prevention, reporting, investigation and follow up of incidents through an identified Provider Agency Incident Management Coordinator.

Health and Wellness Unit

The Health and Wellness Unit provides technical assistance and training, and conducts monitoring of the quality of medical, dental, behavioral health and clinical services. This unit also works closely with the DC Health Resources Partnership to ensure information and resources are consistently communicated and shared.

Quality Improvement Unit

The Quality Improvement Unit will engage with the provider community through the production of analytical reports, mortality reviews, provider and system-wide quality improvement initiatives and enhanced monitoring activities.

Provider Certification Review (PCR) Team

The Provider Certification Review (PCR) Team is operated under the DDA Quality Management Division. Each HCBS waiver provider of day/vocational and residential support services must maintain certification to continue to be enrolled as a qualified provider. The PCR is conducted on an annual basis, and a Satisfactory rating or better must be achieved to continue with the DDA HCBS waiver program.