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The Intake and Eligibility Determination Unit (IEDU) is responsible for determining a person’s eligibility for DDA services. People interested in receiving DDA services may walk-in or call 202-730-1700 to schedule an appointment.
- DDS/DDA is located at 250 E Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024.
- Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
- The nearest metro station is Federal Center SW. There is limited street parking and several parking garages are located in close proximity to the building.
Step 1: Person-Centered Questionnaire/Front Door Tool
During the visit, intake staff will support guests with the completion of the Front Door Tool. The Front Door Tool is a person-centered questionnaire (PCQ), and the first step of the intake process. The tool is designed to identify a person’s:
- Strengths and interests;
- Goals and vision for life;
- Employment objectives; and
- Immediate-and long-term support needs.
Intake staff will assist the person with completing the DDA application.
Step 2: The Application
The Intake Application is available at dds.dc.gov. An Intake and Eligibility Coordinator will assist people with the eligibility determination process. Eligibility Requirements for DDS/DDA services are as follows:
- Proof of District residency (i.e., a current lease agreement, current utility bill, or a statement from Social Security Administration listing address. Cell/telephone bills are not acceptable proof of residency);
- Demonstrate that the person has an intellectual or developmental disability prior to the age of 22The complete application package must include a:
- Copy of the person’s birth certificate or government issued I.D., such as a drivers or non-drivers I.D., a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) card etc.
- Copy of proof of health insurance (D.C. Medicaid or private coverage), if applicable.
- The following records may help support the presence of an intellectual disability or developmental disability:
- Supporting documentation, such as school records, medical records, or social history, if available, that demonstrates the presence of an intellectual disability or developmental disability prior to the age of 22;
- Psychological evaluations, based on one or more standardized intelligence tests, that document that the person has an intellectual disability, as well as any other supporting documentation of adaptive behavior deficits or developmental delays manifested during the developmental period;
- Psychological and psychiatric evaluations that document any diagnosed psychiatric condition, should one be present;
- Professional evaluations documenting the diagnosis of a developmental disability prior to the age of 22 by a licensed psychologist, certified school psychologist, psychiatrist, developmental pediatrician, licensed physician, licensed physician’s assistant or certified registered nurse practitioner in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD);
- Professional evaluations for specialized interventions including, but not limited to, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy;
- Vocational assessments;
- Medical evaluations; and
- Genetic evaluations.
- Signed Release of Information form
Language translation services will be provided for non-native English speakers in accordance with the DDS Language Access Policy and Procedure.
American Sign Language Interpretation and other reasonable accommodations will be provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities ACT
Step 3: Service Coordination
- Once a person has been found eligible for DDA services, the Service Planning and Coordination Division (SPCD) will pair the person with a Service Coordinator. Using a person-centered approach, the service coordinator will work with the person to create an Individual Service Plan (ISP). The ISP ensures that the person receives all identified supports and helps person maintain positive control over his or her life.
The following DDS applications and forms are available:
- Eligibility Fact Sheet
- Intake Application
Eligibility and Intake Process for RSA
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: (202) 730-1700
Contact TTY: (202) 730-1516
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4:45 pm
Service Location:
GIS Address: 250 E Street, SW
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip: 20024