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Department on Disability Services

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Family Support Council (FSC) February 23, 2023

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Meeting with Office on Disability Rights and University Legal Services
DC Office of Disability Rights (DCODR) and University Legal Services (ULS) informed people with disabilities and their families about the services and programs available to advocate for the well-being as a DC resident in areas such as education, healthcare, and protection. DC Office of Disability Rights (DCODR) is a government agency that ensures that the programs, services, benefits, activities and facilities operated or funded by the District of Columbia are fully accessible to, and useable by people with disabilities. ULS serves as the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency for the District of Columbia through our Disability Rights DC (DRDC) unit. ULS is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3), community-based organization that provides an assistive technology program, housing counseling, and tenant purchase/asset management assistance. This meeting provided information and resources about DCOHR and DRDC/ULS so that families are aware of how these two agencies may be able to advocate for human, civil and legal rights and how family members with disabilities can be protected.