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Department on Disability Services

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Courtney Bowman: Embrace Your Disability

After earning a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from St. Augustine’s University in North Carolina, Courtney came back home to D.C. hoping to find a job. Frustrated by the job search process, she reconnected with her VR counselor for additional support and guidance. Many applications later, Courtney was selected for a pilot program: the Aspiring Professionals, a six-month paid internship that gave people with disabilities opportunities to work in professional level positions with various District agencies. 

Courtney was one of 21 applicants selected for the program through a competitive process.  She worked with the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), performing various administrative tasks for the agency’s vacant building monitoring unit. Having established herself as a hard worker, eager to learn and willing to help others, when the internship was over, DCRA immediately felt a void where Courtney had been. So, the agency hired her as a full-time Support Services Specialist. 

The job search process taught Courtney a valuable lesson she shares with others: "Trust the people in your support system and trust the process, even if it’s slow.  Be patient and stay connected to RSA.  Don't give up."  She also has a bold message for job seekers with disabilities: "Embrace your disability; it's part of who you are. Don't let your disability keep you from getting where you want to be in life."