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Department on Disability Services

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Provider Readiness Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish the standards and guidelines by which the Department on Disability Services (DDS), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Will review and evaluate potential providers of supports and services to individuals  served by DDA.

It is the policy of DDS to ensure all individuals receiving services from the DDA service system have access to and receive quality supports, services, and health care. Potential providers of supports and services to individual with developmental disabilities must complete the Provider Readiness Procedure prior to becoming eligible for DDA provider certification.


The following are the standards by which DDS will evaluate compliance with this policy:

  1. Providers must be qualified as a provider for Residential Habilitation, Supported Living, Host Home, Day Habilitation, Pre-Vocational and Supported Employment services.
    1. DC DDA utilizes the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program to provide supports and services.
    2. Providers must be knowledgeable of and abide by all rules and regulations associated with HCBS Waiver Program and the specific rules associated with the service(s) for which qualification is sought.
  2. Applications will only be considered for review upon receipt of a complete application.
  3. Providers seeking to be qualified for Residential Habilitation, Supported Living and/or Host Home services must also be qualified by the DDS Contract and Procurement Unit through the granting of a Human Care Agreement.
  4. Providers must develop and implement any DDA policy that is applicable to the provision of supports and services to individuals with intellectual disabilities.
  5. Providers must complete all steps in the Provider Readiness Protocol prior to becoming eligible for DDA Provider Certification.
  6. Completion of all steps does not guarantee certification by DHCF.