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Department on Disability Services

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Fire and Natural Disaster Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements and guidelines for service providers within the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) service delivery system to develop plans for responding to fire and other emergencies; to engage in training of emergency procedures; to identify each person's abilities, strengths and needs in self preservation to identify supports needed to respond to an emergency; and to practice routine safety measures.


  1. All providers of residential services, day services, and respite services, shall develop and implement policies and procedures to promote emergency preparedness.
  2. All providers of residential services and day services shall develop a written personal emergency preparedness plan ("PEPP") for each person the provider supports, based upon an assessment of the person's skills, strengths and the supports the person requires to respond safely to emergency situations. Each PEPP shall address evacuation, severe weather procedures, and any other emergency procedures that are needed and wanted by the person. The PEPP shall be tested through drills, in which each person and their support staff participates. The PEPP shall be updated annually and reviewed with the person at least quarterly.
  3. All providers of residential services, respite services and all providers with facility-based day services shall develop a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan (CEPP) for each home/service location (excluding "natural" homes). For all providers of residential services and facility-based day services, the CEPP must encompass the PEPP for each person who routinely receives supports at that home/service location. The CEPP shall be tested through drills, in which each person and their support staff participates.
  4. All providers of residential services shall have a Continuity of Operations Plan, in accordance with DDS's Continuity of Operations Plan Requirements for Providers of Residential Services policy.
  5. All providers shall train staff on the CEPP for each home/ service location in which the staff person works, as well as on the PEPP for each person the staff supports. Training must occur at least annually and continually as changes are made to the plans. The provider shall maintain training records and shall make the training records available to DDS upon request.
  6. At least annually, the provider shall evaluate the emergency procedures for each person to assure the person knows what to do in an emergency, supports are identified and available for the person to safely respond to an emergency and that support staff are trained and able to respond accurately in an emergency. The provider shall submit the evaluation of their emergency procedures to DDS Provider Resource Management Unit for review.
  7. For people who live independently, or with their families, the person's DDS service coordinator, shall, at least annually, discuss emergency preparedness, share resources for planning, and offer to assist in developing a PEPP. In-home support and respite provider. staff who provide services in the person's home are required to be trained on and familiar with the PEPP, if a person has one.
  8. DDS may sanction providers who do not comply with the requirements of this policy and its related procedure.