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Department on Disability Services

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OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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L-N - Definitions Appendix

The DDS Definitions Appendix defines the terms and acronyms relevant to the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) service delivery system.

- L -

Least Restrictive

Is the least restrictive choice for that individual and applies to services including placement. 

Limited Guardian

An individual who is appointed by the court to exercise the legal rights and powers specifically assigned by court order, to assist an incapacitated individual. In DC, this guardian is specifically designated to handle only those matters specified by the court (e.g., limited guardian for health-care decisions). An individual who is appointed by the court to exercise the legal rights and powers specifically assigned by court order, to assist an incapacitated individual. In DC, this guardian is specifically designated to handle only those matters specified by the court (e.g., limited guardian for health-care decisions).

- M -

Means of Egress

The way to exit a building or structure—especially during an emergency. 

Mechanical Restraints

A device that restricts a person’s movement for the primary purpose of controlling a behavior. Mechanical Restraint does not include restraints used to enable the safe and effective implantation of a medical procedure or in the treatment of either a physical illness or condition. 


A form of dispute resolution in which a third party, a trained professional mediator, facilitates the resolution process by assisting the parties in reaching a voluntary solution to a complaint filed by an individual. The mediator does not impose a resolution on the parties or make any decisions about fault.

Mediation Settlement Agreement

A binding settlement agreement completed if parties reach resolution of a mediated complaint. A Mediation Settlement Agreement is signed by each party participating in the mediation and reflects the resolution decided by the parties.


A person who has completed a mediation training of at least forty (40) hours and has experience mediating at least twenty mediations as a co-mediator or sole mediator.

Medically Necessary Restraint

Means the use of physical, mechanical or chemical restraint for the purpose of safe and effective implementation of a medical procedure or in the treatment of either a physical illness or condition. 


The use of practices which are contraindicated by an individual's plan of services, used for punishment or for the convenience of staff, as a substitute for treatment or care 

Mortality Review Committee (MRC) 

A group of people appointed by DDA which includes staff employed by DDA and representatives of stakeholders or partners who are responsible for identifying individual and systemic issues and areas of needed improvement in the provision of services through DDA.

Most Integrated Setting

Settings, modes of services, and styles of living or working that are most similar to and most integrated with what is typical and age-appropriate in the community, which interfere the least with the individual's independence, and promote the opportunity to actively engage with other citizens who live or work in that community.

MRDDA Consumer Information System (MCIS)

Online database with information about all individuals receiving services and supports from DDA.

- N -


The failure to provide proper care, supervision or attention to an individual that results in significant harm or jeopardy of harm to the individual’s health, safety, or well-being; failure to provide necessities such as food, clothing, essential medical treatment, adequate supervision, shelter or a safe environment. The failure to exercise ones duty to intercede on behalf of an individual also constitutes neglect. Examples include: weight loss due to denied nutritional food, lack of timely follow up regarding professional (i.e., physician, nutritionist, therapist, etc.) recommendations, lack of supervision.

Non-restrictive BSP

A BSP that does not make any use of restrictive controls (i.e., any device or procedure that restricts, limits or otherwise negatively impacts a person’s freedom of movement; control over his/ her own body, access to tangibles/ intangibles normally available to individuals in this society; or privacy).

Nursing Home

An institution (or distinct part of an institution), which provides skilled nursing care and related services for residents who require medical or nursing care, rehabilitation services for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled or sick persons, or on a regular basis, health-related care and services to individuals who because of their mental or physical condition require care and services which can be made available to them only through institutional facilities, and is not primarily for the care and treatment of mental diseases.