The DDS Definitions Appendix defines the terms and acronyms relevant to the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) service delivery system.
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Behavior Management Specialist
A behavior management specialist (“BMS”) is a person who has training and experience in the theory and technique of changing the behavior of individuals to enhance their learning of life skills, adaptive behaviors, and to decrease maladaptive behaviors, and works under the supervision of a licensed practitioner, usually a psychologist. In addition, DDS further defines the BMS (in WAIVER) as the following professionals: licensed independent clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor, and licensed graduate social worker.
Behavior Support Committee
A Behavior Support Committee reviews and approves or rejects all behavior plans that incorporate restrictive methods, including restraint and time-out, and reviews ongoing behavior plans that incorporate restrictive methods, including restraint and time-out. The Committee shall include persons knowledgeable in behavior support procedures, including administrators and staff employed by the provider who are responsible for implementing Behavior Support Plans, but not those directly involved with the plan being reviewed. The authors of the Behavior Support Plan may attend Committee meetings to provide information and to facilitate incorporation of suggested changes. One Behavior Support Committee may serve more than one community service provider.
Behavior Support Plan (BSP)
A component of the Individual Support Plan (ISP) that defines individually tailored behavior supports designed by a licensed professional or behavior management specialist supervised by a licensed professional to assist an individual in ameliorating and/or eliminating the negative impact one or more challenging behaviors have on his or her daily life. The BSP identified strategies and services necessary to support and encourage the person in his or her decision to reside within the community; decrease the impact of a behavioral event; to assist the person in developing alternative and more effective communication, adaptive and coping mechanisms; and enable the person to achieve positive personal outcomes. The BSP is based on an understanding that there are reasons for challenging behaviors and those in a person’s life must work to understand the underlying reasons. Therefore, BSP’s must be based on a thorough and thoughtful functional assessment that results in a BSP with steps and methods to help the individual address his/her challenging behaviors. To assist the persons with development of positive behaviors as a replacement for challenging behaviors.
The money or services provided by a program if a person meets the eligibility criteria of the program.
Best Interest
That course of action that maximizes what is best for the individual and that includes consideration of the least intrusive, most normalizing, and least restrictive course of action possible given their needs.
Burden of Proof
Refers to the requirement that the one party show by a "preponderance of evidence" or "weight of evidence" that all the facts necessary to prevail on an argument or judgment are presented and are probably true.
Burial Set-Asides
An account established by and maintained in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) on behalf of a consumer, for whom the District is the Representative Payee, using the consumer's funds. For those consumers for whom the District does not serve as Representative Payee, other parties can establish such accounts.