Websites that list Affordable and Accessible Housing – Rent and For Sale |
Renters Purpose: Search for affordable and accessible rentals in the United States. Instructions: Read the disclaimer; click OK, then click on the tutorial button on the bottom left of the website. |
Renters and Homebuyers | Accessible Rental Housing Search: Washington, D.C. ( Purpose: To search for affordable and accessible housing for rent or sale in Washington, D.C. Instructions: Click on the link below: Or call 1.877-428-8844 TDD/TTY: 711 |
Renters LIHTC Database Access ( LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credit) is a tax incentive for developers to build housing for low-income households. Purpose: To locate rental housing supported by LIHTC. Instructions: On the left side of the website, select the variables you want the report to include. |
Renters and Homebuyers DHCD - DFD Pipeline - Public Dashboard - Beta Mode ( Purpose: To provide real-time updates on the status of affordable housing projects in the D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) pipeline. Instructions: |