Employers are required to comply with The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) to make a particular work site accessible for people with disabilities. You are not required to make accommodations that would prove to be an unreasonable burden.
In general, most accommodations required for a person with a disability cost under $500. Most accommodations are low tech and easily remedied. RSA can assess your workplace and determine the minimum that requirements for meeting the needs of a person with a disability.
New construction and/or modifications to an existing building must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. For existing facilities, barriers to services must be removed if readily achievable.
Much of the requirements for accommodations under the ADA is determined on a case-by-case basis.
The nature and cost of the needed improvements, the overall financial resources of the facility, the number of persons employed and the impact on the operation of the facilities all must be determined. There are many ways to make a facility accessible and ensure that the person with a disability has equal access to break rooms, meeting rooms, and offices.
Please note, there is no grandfather clause regarding “public accommodations in existing buildings.”
For more information about ADA requirements, visit ADA.