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Department on Disability Services

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DDA Formal Complaint System

The DDA Formal Complaint System is a grievance process where people receiving DDA supports or services may file formal complaint about: 

- The denial, delay, reduction or termination of DDA supports or services including Medicaid waiver services; 
- The application of DDA policies, procedures or practices to the person, 
- The application of DDA providers’ policies, procedures or practices to the person. 

If your formal complaint is about a DDA provider, you must first file a formal complaint with your DDA provider before you can file a formal complaint with DDA. Exceptions to this include if you have reasonable fear of retaliation – which means you are afraid of how the provider may treat you if you use their Complaint Process.

To file a formal complaint you must be a person currently receiving supports or services from the Developmental Disability Administration (DDA). If you receive DDA supports or services and would like someone to file a formal complaint on your behalf you must give the person filing on your behalf permission.  

If you want to file an appeal with a RSA decision, learn more information here: Right To Appeal

If you have a questions or concerns about DDS, call Customer Service (202) 442-8686 or email [email protected].

If you have witnessed or experienced potential abuse, neglect, or exploitation; please call 202-730-1520. If you see, hear, suspect, or know something please say something! For after-hours please contact the Duty Officer at (202) 498-9077

Filing a formal complaint

To file a formal complaint you may call, email, submit online form; bring in or mail filled out PDF form using information below and say you would like to file a formal complaint.

Call: (202) 442-8686
Email: [email protected] 
Online Form
Mail: Department of Disability Services
ATTN: DDA Formal Complaint System
250 E Street SW, 6th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20024

To learn more information about the DDA Formal Complaint System or to request the help of a peer supporter, please call the Complaint System Coordinator, Lee Anne Brantley, at (202) 730-1623 or email [email protected].

DDA Formal Complaint System FAQs
Consumer Rights
DDA Formal Complaint Form
DDA Formal Complaint System Policy, 2019-QAPMA-POL01
DDA Provider Formal Complaint Process Procedure, 2019-QAPMA-PROC001
DDA Formal Complaint System Procedure, 2019-QAPMA-PROC002