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Process to Extend Supported Employment

The full process is available as a PDF document:

Supported Employment Services consist of paid competitive work that offers ongoing support in an integrated work setting where earnings are paid at or above minimum wage.

The following Supported Employment Services are eligible for reimbursement up to the maximum number of hours and units:

Service Max hours/units
Intake & Assessment 80hrs= 320 units
Job Placement 100hrs= 400 units
Job Training & Support 320hrs= 1280 units
Follow along services 192hrs= 768 units

Supported Employment Services cannot exceed the above mentioned units per authorization. If extended services are required the provider shall submit a written justification to DDS Service Coordinator a minimum of ten (10) business days before the prior authorized units have been exhausted. DDS shall review the submission and approve or disapprove the request for extension within ten (10) business days of receipt. Services continue if the individuals Inter Disciplinary Team agrees, but DDS does not respond to the written request within ten (10) business days of receipt.

The following supporting documentation is necessary when requesting an extension for Supported Employment:

  • If Intake and Assessment Services are being extended, then include the Vocational Assessment, or justification why an extension is needed.
  • Supported Employment Service Plan, which summaries the individual’s employment status and why additional hours are required.
  • Service Plan must indicate the individuals name, work site, wages, hours of duty and all Supported Employment staff who provide direct care to the individual.
  • The Service Plan must be signed and dated by the provider.
  • Identify if a Professional or Paraprofessional will be providing Supported Employment Services to the individual. (Review Supported Employment rules 929.6 - 929.7 regarding required qualifications.)