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Department on Disability Services

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Job Placement

RSA can work with you to become a placement agency to provide you with prepared and qualified workers. RSA will work cooperatively with the potential employers to match the right job seeker with the right employer. RSA strives to understand the labor needs of businesses so that we can find the right employee for available jobs. Our job is to understand your business and find qualified people who might fit the bill.

Our staff works with job seekers to identify skills, interests, and career goals. We provide services and training opportunities to enhance work skills. We also assist with resume writing, interviewing techniques, and job applications. We work with each job seeker to identify their unique strengths that may qualify them for a particular job. The individual accommodations that a person with a disability may need are identified, and the job seeker gains a better understanding of how they can work with their disability.

Once a job match is made, RSA will closely monitor the employee to ensure success in the workplace. RSA can advise you on ADA issues, the specific accommodations needed by an employee, and the support the individual may need in the beginning. Every effort is made to provide support to both the employer and the employee to make the match successful.