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Department on Disability Services

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Department on Disability Services

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Financial Participation

RSA has established policies that require a financial needs assessment prior to determining the amount to be covered for some vocational rehabilitation services. The financial needs test takes into consideration the size of the family, annual income, other income sources, and extenuating expenses.

Exceeding the financial needs level does not disqualify an individual from receiving financial assistance from RSA. The dollar amount exceeding the financial needs test is the amount the consumer will need to apply towards their cost of vocational rehabilitation services. Individuals who are eligible for Social Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are exempt from the financial needs test requirement.

RSA will assist with the cost of vocational rehabilitation services based on the following factors:

  • The services are necessary to attain the employment outcome identified in the IPE, and
  • The financial needs assessment has been completed.

RSA has the responsibility to assure that before purchasing services, we seek out all other possible comparable benefits that could pay for part or all of the vocational rehabilitation services. Services identified in your IPE exceeding one year in length are contingent upon future federal appropriations and expenditure authority from the District of Columbia.