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C - Definitions Appendix

The DDS Definitions Appendix defines the terms and acronyms relevant to the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) service delivery system.

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The mental ability to understand the nature and implication of a decision (that there is a choice to be made) and the information (the alternatives) being presented; as well as, the ability to communicate that decision or give informed consent.


Is broadly defined as an individual or provider organization having responsibility for the care and support of a customer of DDS. This includes, but is not limited to, a family member or guardian; provider staff person; health care professional; member of the customer's natural support network; or DDS. The professional that has primary responsibility for managing the process to obtain, replace, modify, or repair adaptive equipment is the Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP) for persons residing in ICF/MRs, or the Case Manager for all other persons. Durable Medical Equipment includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Wheelchairs 2. Hospital Beds 3. Bath/Toilet Aids and Commodes 4. Canes 5. Walkers 6. Crutches 7. Other Equipment that is Medical or Remedial in Nature.


The folder that contains the application and supporting documentation about an applicant.

Case file

A six sided folder in which information about the individual seeking services is placed. Instructions for how the case file is organized are labeled attachment I and can be found in the appendix of this operational procedure.

Case review 

A meeting at which the staff of the Intake and Eligibility Determination Unit (to include but not limited to the chief of the Unit, the service coordinators, the social worker, the nurse, and other professionals as are needed) look at the information that has been submitted in the case that meets the criteria for applying for services as well as the supporting documentation for determining whether or not the individual meets the criteria for mental retardation, and impediments to moving the case to eligibility are identified and recommendations for proceeding with the case are made.

Case Review Team 

DDA Intake and Eligibility Determination Unit Staff (supervisory service analyst, social worker, intake service coordinators and the community liaison) responsible for reviewing pending cases to ensure that case coordination activity is being conducted.

Challenging Behaviors

Behaviors that are seriously and consistently disruptive to the physical or social environment, that pose a significant danger to oneself or others, or that interfere with the attainment of teaming goals or personal outcomes identified through an ISP process. Such behaviors may result from internal factors, from past learning or from environmental factors.

Chemical Restraint

Use of a medication for the primary purpose of the behavioral control of a person; the intention is to use a chemical substance to control or subdue the person. Chemical Restraint does not include the use of a drug prescribed by a medical practitioner for: (1) the treatment or (2) to enable the treatment of a mental illness, a physical illness or physical condition. 

Choice and Decision Making

The individual has opportunities to express themselves as effectively as possible and to thereby exercise control and choice in their life, and has access to education, experiences, and supports to increase their self-determination; the individual's opinions and preferences are listened to and treated seriously; the individual's needs and preferences are reflected in their activities and routines.

Circle of Support

Consists of the persons identified by the individual DDA service recipient who are interested in ensuring that the individual receives the supports and services that will meet his/her needs. Members of the circle of support can be but are not limited to family members, staff, friends, neighbors and acquaintances at work and in the community.

Client Services Liaison (CSL) 

These DDS employees are the non-legal representatives of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (“DDA”) in all Mental Retardation court proceedings. The CSL assist DDA staff and providers with preparing responses to court orders and gathering information to provide as testimony to the Court.

Closed case

A situation in which the records of a individual has officially been placed in an inactive status and therefore eligibility is no longer being sought by the service coordinator due to a variety of reasons.

Community Inclusion

The individual has a home which is similar in appearance to surrounding homes, which offers safety, refuge, rest, and satisfaction to the individual, and into which the individual can invite friends, family, neighbors and others to whom they wish to offer hospitality; where individuals have many and varied opportunities to participate in and contribute to the life of their community through work and integrated social and recreational activities in culturally typical settings.


A legal determination made by court regarding a person’s decision making ability, based on assessments of capacity made by mental health professionals, and usually regarding specific legal issues.


Refers to the person bringing a complaint on their own behalf, or on behalf of a client.


A complaint is the formal expression by any individual of their dissatisfaction or unhappiness with supports and services or treatment provided by or through DDS, their provider agency, or someone employed or volunteering to provide them with supports and services.

Completed Investigation

The report of an investigation conducted by DDS or Qualified Provider investigator, which has been reviewed for quality and approved by the DDS.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation means an assessment of an individual with an intellectual disability by persons with specialized training and experience in the diagnosis and habilitation of individuals with intellectual disabilities which includes a documented sequence of observations and examinations intended to determine the person’s strengths, developmental needs and need for services.

Consecutive Interpretation

This occurs when an interpreter interprets a speaker's words orally after the speaker has communicated. The interpretation process follows in a consecutive manner. First a speaker speaks in one language, pauses, and gives the interpreter a few moments to interpret their words into the target language. 


An individual who is appointed by court order to manage an individual’s money and other assets.

Core Training

Tier three training curricula with learning competencies that build upon those developed in the employee orientation which addresses the direct support needs of individuals who receive services and supports from the provider that employs the DSP. These training curricula must be completed within the first 90 days of employment.

Corporal Punishment

Use of physical force for the primary purpose of reducing the frequency, intensity or duration of a behavior. 

Cost Report

A document that reflects expenses and revenues and other service statistical data associated with providing services to individuals served by DDS. The data is reflected on an annual basis.

Court Reporting Form

The document submitted to the court that summarizes an individual’s progress and status for a given ISP year. This form is most often used for Annual Review Hearings.

Court Status Report

Report prepared by Service Coordination in response to specific court orders issued at the court hearing. This report is detailed to separate each issue of the court order and its response.


Acronym for Certified Public Accountant.